1984 Diplome National Superieur d’Expression Plastique, Ecole des Beaux Arts du Havre, France
1985 Atelier Gravure, Ecole des Beaux Arts de Paris, France
1993 Diplome Unilingue de Langue et Civilisation Orientales,
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Paris, France
2004 MA (Fine Art), Kent Institute of Art & Design, Canterbury, U.K.
2022 Recent Works, Joost van der Bergh, London
2016 India Art Fair, New Delhi, Presented by Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke
2012 'I Am Here', curated by Grant Watson, Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai
2011 'Blame it on the Sun', Rachmaninoff's, London
2008 'Life is but a dream', part vii, Sakshi Gallery, Mumbai
2007 'Static lines and where they take you', Thomas Erben Gallery, New York
2006 Rachmaninoff's, London
2004 Nature Morte, New Delhi; Galerie Rue Montgrand, E.S.B.A.M, Marseille
2002 'Indian Rope Trick', Centre 19, Montbeliard, France
2000 Gallery Chemould, Mumbai
1994 Max Mueller Bhavan, Hyderabad
2021 'RED', Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai
2020 'Outlines', Austin / Desmond Fine Art, London
2020 India Art Fair, New Delhi. Presented by GALLERYSKE
2019 'Perfect Presence', Joost van den Bergh, London
2019 'The Drawing Biennial 2019', The Drawing Room, London
2017 'DWELLING', 10th Anniversary Show (Part II), curated by Ranjit Hoskote,
Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, Mumbai
2016- 'Forming in the Pupil of the eye', 3rd edition of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale,
2017 Curated by Sudarshan Shetty, Kochi, Kerala
2016 'The Museum of Rhythm', curated by Natasha Ginwala and Daniel Muzyczuk,
Muzeum Sztuki Lodz, Poland
2016 'Thinking Tantra', curated by Rebecca Heald, Drawing Room, London
2016 'Thinking Tantra', curated by Rebecca Heald, Jhaveri Contemporary, Mumbai
2013 'The Sahmat Collective: Art and Activism in India since 1989', curated by Jessica Moss and
Ram Rahman, Smart Museum of Art, Chicago
2012 'Homespun', curated by Girish Shahane, Devi Art Foundation, Gurgaon
2011 'Watercolour', Tate Britain, London
2007 'House of Mirrors', curated by Deeksha Nath, Grosvenor Vadehra, London
2007 'The Acceptance World', Rachmaninoff's, London
2007 'Salon 2007: New British Painting and Works on Paper',
Curated by Flora Fairbairn and Sotiris Kyriacou, London
2006 'Nicola Durvasula, Chitra Ganesh, Tejal Shah', Thomas Erben Gallery, New York
2006 'Lila/Play: Contemporary Miniatures and New Art from South Asia',
Cultural Festival of the Melbourne
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, Australia
2005 'Nicola Durvasula, Immo Klink', Rachmaninoff’s, London
2004 'Passion Fantastic', Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury, Kent
2003 'Enchanting the Icon', Sakshi Gallery, Curated by Marta Jakimowicz , Mumbai
2001 'Art on the Move', SAHMAT, New Delhi
1999 'Art from India', with Anita Dube, Pushpamala N. and Rummana Hussain,
Curated by Rasna Bhushan, Patricia Correia Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
1999 'Of, based on or obtained by tradition', Nature Morte Gallery, Delhi
1999 'Boundlessly various and everything simultaneously',
Curated by Peter Nagy, Bose Pacia Modern, New York
1998 'Born in 1960', Nicola Durvasula and C.K. Rajan, Sakshi Gallery, Bangalore
1998 'Pacaembu Project (urban sculpture)', Sao Paulo, Brazil
1997 'Inter(RE)ferences', curated by Dr. Virginia Whiles, Grande Galerie, Rouen, France